As 4K HDR video becomes ubiquitous across all platforms, it’s more important than ever to have high quality video processing to ensure your projector can display the best image possible. That’s why Lumagen created their RadiancePro Series UltraHD video processors!

The RadiancePro Series offers a state-of-the-art, award-winning Dynamic Tone Mapping solution that completely transforms how HDR video looks through projectors and other low-brightness displays. Not only does the image appear far brighter overall, with an even greater sense of dynamic range, but colors and skin tones look far more natural, as well, thanks to this unique high-performance video processing technique.

But it doesn’t stop there. The RadiancePro Series offers so much more, like customizable input and output options (up to 10 HDMI inputs and 4 HDMI outputs), Lumagen’s proprietary NoRing video scaling engine that upscales non-4K sources to 4K quality, picture-in-picture and picture-outside-picture functionality, 4913 point (17x17x17) professional-grade color management, anamorphic aspect ratio support, non-linear scaling modes and support for external control that makes it easy to integrate into your home theater system.
These are just a few of the highlighted features the RadiancePro Series offers. Contact AV Science today to find out more and why so many home theater owners use a RadiancePro. We’d be happy to go over your options and choose the right model for your needs.