Come visit our showroom!
We have two acoustically treated home theater demo rooms; a dedicated home theater, and a smaller media room. Now we can show you what you can have in your own home.
AVS media room
Stewart FIlmscreen screen
Epson 5040UB projector
JVC DLA-RS400 projector
Denon X3300W receiver
Martin Logan Motion 40 speakers
3 Definitive Technology Mythos 9 LCRs
4 Definitive Technology Gem XL surrounds
Definitive Technology Supercube Sub

AVS Theater
Screen Acoustics screen
Denon X7200WA receiver
3 Triad InRoom Silver LCRs
4 Triad InWall silver surrounds
2 SVS SB13Ultra subs
Panamax MR4300 power conditioner